i. This isn't my first lyric, I know exactly
how I should finish it

# betterlost

I hope when you think of me years down the line you can't find one good thing to say

001 :// I am HIGHLY selective. Non-mutuals and personal accounts are welcome to follow and send in asks, however, please don’t interact with any RP-related posts.002 :// This blog contains no NSFW content. However, both character and writer are 21+. Expect to see dark or suggestive themes.003 :// Please do not bother me excessively for replies. If it’s been a few days without a reply feel free to give me a nudge to remind me. My muse is also very picky. I’m more likely to quickly respond to threads between partners I know well or characters Nicholas has a strong bond with. I’m busy. I’m disabled. Replying can take a long time.exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

004 :// IC does not equal OOC. Nicholas is closed off and temperamental. He’s prone to insulting people. Anything rude he does is not reflective of my opinion towards your character or you as a writer. If you’re uncomfortable with or want to change any interaction or the direction of our character’s dynamic, please reach out!005 :// Content will be tagged as appropriate; if you need something tagged that I’ve overlooked, shoot me a message. Similarly, please clear it with me before attempting to write out any particularly dark topics without warning.006 :// I don’t require reblog karma. I request that you don’t reblog asks for the purposes of threading; turn them into text posts instead.

007 :// I tend to write pretty lengthy / descriptive replies but, frankly, as long as you give me something to work with I don’t care much if you match detail or length. Don’t feel obligated to include icons in your replies, either. I plan on being pretty lax with this account- I’m just here to write for fun.008 :// This blog is drama-free. If you do see me interacting with someone who it’s best to avoid please reach out to me in private about it. Obviously, any ableist/racist/homophobic/etc content will be hit with a hard block immediately.009 :// I don’t require a password to be sent in. If I’ve followed you, it means I’ve already read through your rules.

about the writer :// This account is penned by August - I’m 27 years old, and I am a GNC lesbian who uses he or she pronouns. I'm a ux designer, writer, and former cast member.

returnedimagewillem sprunghartboyfriend
teapottroublescaoimhe saileachcoworker
aethergatevenus penuscoworker

# nicholas shepard

I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out you'd stay the hell out of my way

full name.   nicholas joel shepard
also known as.   nick, shep
date of birth + age.   june 7 1987. 37 years
gender + pronouns.   male. he / him
orientation.   bisexual
occupation.   doctor
current home.   orlando, florida, usa
faceclaim.   karl urban
tw ; alcohol abuse , medical matters & deathborn in georgia to a mother with a vice a mile wide , nicholas spent most of his youth getting into scraps and swimming in rivers nobody had any business touching with a ten foot pole . his father was largely absent , often busy with a full - time job , which left nicholas and his older sister alone to fend for themselves more often than not while their mother entertained her drinking habit .despite everything , he excelled in school and upon graduating was given a scholarship to a local college , picking up odd jobs through most of his school years to send back to his family , who didn’t have much income to speak of . things got worse with his father’s kidney started to fail him ; nicholas could do nothing but watch as he was suffocated under medical bills and , as they were unable to transfer him to a larger hospital than the one available outside of their small hometown , eventually passed away without finding a donor . his personal role in his father’s last days is something that motivated him to study as a surgeon after finishing his bachelor’s degree .

while he was in medical school , nicholas met his would-be wife catherine and , not too long after earning his degree , had a daughter named johanna . unfortunately , upon getting his first proper job , nicholas soon discovered that his mother’s habits ran in the family . he spent long nights at the bar trying to cope with his stress and , in the process , drifted away from his family over the course of six years or so . the divorce resulted in him losing all custody of jo as well as much of his composure .it did, however, knock some sense into him . nicholas sticks to smaller jobs now though he hasn’t quite got a grip on his reliance on alcohol . he’s also sworn off most forms of relationships : hook-ups at a bar are one thing , but he’s not the sort of person who ought to be in the dating business , and he’s well aware of it . a hefty portion of his time is spent making himself seem as unsociable as possible .presently , nicholas lives in a small , questionable townhouse outside of orlando and keeps himself busy doing volunteer yard work when he isn’t taking care of patients . he’s got the mouth of a sailor , a fondness for whiskey , and more layers of defense than anybody wants to deal with . his fashion sense consists of extensive layers - flannels , heavy jackets , ripped jeans . on rare nights he entertains the pipe dream of joining a band as a bassist and does bad karaoke at bars .

aloof.   regretful.   melancholic.   blunt.   skilled.   efficient.   down-to-earth.   stubborn.   emotional.   abrasive.   cynical.   disquieted.

# nicholas shepard

you are coming down with me, hand in unloveable hand

0 - 10 :// nicholas grew up in rural georgia with his parents, joel and olivia, and his older sister lottie. his father was a mechanic by trade, but picked up odd jobs around town to make spare cash. but he was a family man first and foremost, always taking nick and lottie to work with him.11 - 17 :// his father's lackadaisical attitude towards his work means he can't keep a stable job, and nick picks up on this as a young man. he does manual labor on farms to help support the family as his mother's addiction drains more of their funds and his father's health declines.

18 - 22 :// nick's dedication towards his schooling lands him a scholarship at a local college, where he pursues his bachelor's degree with intent to go into medical school. but at age 22, his father's terminal illness culminates with nicholas removing him from life support. he takes a year to sort himself out.23 - 28 :// nicholas makes it into medical school, going in for general medicine. it was there he met his soon-to-be wife, catherine, and the two were the golden couple of the school, both at the top of their class. they married in senior year.

29 - 34 :// catherine and nicholas' first and only daughter, johanna, is born. faced with the stress of trying to progress his career and the fear of entering parenthood, nick starts working longer shifts and spending more time at the bar. his absences causes catherine to seek a divorce.35 - 37 :// having lost custody entirely in the divorce and needing a fresh start, nick moves to orlando and picks up work wherever he can find it, usually at small clinics. he's trying to clean up his habits, but his attitude hasn't improved much. his view of the world is cynical and tinted by loss.

# nicholas shepard

nobody knows that everybody's all up in my god damn business

default :// working odd jobs and volunteering at a clinic , nicholas tries his best to mind his own business save for the occasional flings he manages to pick up at bars .disney :// nicholas works as a nurse for the disney parks in florida , typically stationed at first aid in the front of the magic kingdom . he’s not very happy about the position , and he’s even less happy about the amount of magic bullshit he keeps getting roped into as a result .cowboy :// chased out of town by his ex-wife’s influential family , nicholas packs up his horse tater tot and hits the road , serving as an independent healer and extra pair of hands at every clinic he stops by . he doesn’t stay for long , though , more keen on making friends with the bottom of a whiskey bottle than any other human being .

muppet :// having been granted split custody of his daughter , nick’s search for more proper living arrangements takes him to sesame street , of all places , where the off-the-charts amount of absurd nonsense is only made worth it by the fact that rent isn’t even $10 a month .kingdom hearts :// a refugee from a fallen world , nick is a keyblade wielder , currently residing in twilight town with his two roommates and the bard they may or may not have kidnapped from the organization .werewolf :// at the age of 34 , nicholas was bitten by his dying father , who had been hiding his lycanthropy from his family . fearing what he was going to turn into , nick sabotaged his own life , severing all ties his wife and child to seek out a fresh start where he could keep himself away from others .